1. Into the Abyss (2011) | IDFA Archive
But this is exactly the story Werner Herzog (, wants to tell in his compassionate death row documentary. He zooms in on the case of 28-year-old Michael Perry, ...
In the United States, the death sentence is often carried out in the greatest possible anonymity. Far away from the rest of society, in a hermetically sealed room, the condemned sit down in the electric chair or receive a fatal injection. In this way, the human story behind the criminal can be obscured. But this is exactly the story Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man, Encounters at the End of the World) wants to tell in his compassionate death row documentary. He zooms in on the case of 28-year-old Michael Perry, who has been on death row in Texas for 10 years. As teenagers, he and his friends Jason Burkett murdered three people just to take a joyride in an expensive car. With striking warmth and sympathy, Herzog conducts deep, emotional and at times confrontational conversations with both perpetrators, their families (some of whom are also in jail), the families of the victims, the sheriff who investigated the case, and a former executioner, who has carried out more than 100 death sentences. A detailed picture emerges of a deeply religious but also intensely criminal and violent community. Herzog makes it clear early on that he is against the death penalty, but the film is by no means a political statement. Into the Abyss outlines the human perspective behind a deeply inhumane ritual.
2. Into the Abyss (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes
Into the Abyss is not just a compelling documentary about a convicted murderer on Death Row, but a further chapter in Werner Herzog's obsessive exploration of ...
Filmmaker Werner Herzog explores capital punishment through interviews with convicted killers, their victims' families, and members of the Texas criminal justice system.
3. [PDF] Into the Abyss: A Tale of Death, a Tale of Life - DigitalCommons@UNO
Burkett relates the moving story of weeping before the jury, who spare his son the death penalty. “God helped me,” he claims. But as he goes on to discuss his.
4. The saddest film Herzog has ever made movie review (2011)
9 nov 2011 · The documentary centers on two young men in prison. Michael Perry is on Death Row in Huntsville, Texas, America's most productive assembly line for executions.
"Into the Abyss" may be the saddest film Werner Herzog has ever made. It regards a group of miserable lives, and in finding a few faint glimmers of hope only
5. Into the Abyss (2011) - Deep Focus Review
11 nov 2011 · In 2002, Jason Burkett and Michael Perry, teenagers from Conroe, Texas, wanted a car. They eyed a red Camaro belonging to a nurse named ...
In 2002, Jason Burkett and Michael Perry, teenagers from Conroe, Texas, wanted a car. They eyed a red Camaro belonging to a nurse named Sandra Stotler
6. Into the Abyss | Eye Filmmuseum
Herzog delves into a triple homicide in Conroe, Texas, asking himself why people kill other people and why the state does the same. He conducts candid ...
One of Herzog’s most moving films, subtle and layered, in which he interviews a number of inmates on death row in America. According to Herzog his conversations provide “a glimpse of the abyss of the human soul”.
7. INTO THE ABYSS - Stranger than Fiction
Crime stories can often fall into a predictable pattern of whodunit, but trust Werner Herzog to bring his own unique approach to the genre. He focuses on a ...
Description from TIFF 2011 catalog by Thom Powers: Crime stories can often fall into a predictable pattern of whodunit, but trust Werner Herzog to bring his own unique approach to the genre. He foc…
8. Into the Abyss (2011) | IDFA Archive
Bevat niet: story | Resultaten tonen met:story
De doodstraf wordt in Amerikaanse staten vaak voltrokken in de grootst mogelijke anonimiteit. Ver weg van de maatschappij, in hermetisch afgesloten kamertjes, gaat de veroordeelde op de elektrische stoel of krijgt hij een dodelijke injectie toegediend. Zo kan worden ontkend dat achter iedere misdadiger ook nog een menselijk verhaal schuilgaat. Het is dit verhaal waarnaar Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man, Encounters at the End of the World) in zijn compassievolle death row-documentaire op zoek gaat. Hij zoomt in op de zaak van de 28-jarige Michael Perry, die al tien jaar zit opgesloten in een Texaanse dodencel. Samen met zijn toenmalige maatje Jason Burkett vermoordde hij als puber drie mensen, alleen maar om te kunnen joyriden in een chique, peperdure auto. Met opvallend veel warmte en mededogen voert Herzog diepgravende, emotionele en soms confronterende conversaties met de beide veroordeelden, hun familieleden (soms ook in de gevangenis), nabestaanden van de slachtoffers, de sheriff die de zaak onderzocht, en een voormalig uitvoerder van meer dan honderd doodstraffen. Zo ontstaat een gedetailleerd beeld van een diep religieuze, maar ook diep criminele en gewelddadige gemeenschap. Herzog verklaart al vrij vroeg in de film tegen de doodstraf te zijn, maar maakt niet het zoveelste politieke pamflet. Into the Abbyss schetst juist het humane perspectief achter een ten diepste inhumaan ritueel.
9. Into the Abyss (2011) - Alex on Film
9 apr 2022 · *. Grim and stupid then. Not the stuff for a Hollywood crime story, or really for anything edifying. And yet Werner Herzog, a director always ...
*. Hollywood has a fondness for glorifying crime and criminals going all the way back to The Great Train Robbery. Today we’re used to seeing serial killers as mad geniuses like Hannibal Lecte…
See AlsoDux Settings
10. Into the Abyss (Film, 2011) - MovieMeter.nl
Plot Into the Abyss ... "A gaze into the abyss of the human soul." Herzog richt zich in deze documentaire op een drievoudige moord die tien jaar geleden gepleegd ...
Documentaire film geregisseerd door Werner Herzog. Met Michael Perry, Jason Burkett en Werner Herzog.
11. Into the Abyss (2011) – The Traumafare State | Ruthless Culture
9 okt 2014 · When has Werner Herzog ever made a film that couldn't be summarised as a journey into the abyss? Early feature films such as Even Dwarfs ...
When has Werner Herzog ever made a film that couldn’t be summarised as a journey into the abyss? Early feature films such as Even Dwarfs Started Small and Aguirre, the Wrath of God seem to revel in…
12. Into the Abyss (film) | Discovery, Inc Wiki - Fandom
Into the Abyss, subtitled A Tale of Death, A Tale of Life, is a 2011 documentary film written and directed by Werner Herzog about two men convicted of a ...
Into the Abyss, subtitled A Tale of Death, A Tale of Life, is a 2011 documentary film written and directed by Werner Herzog about two men convicted of a triple homicide that occurred in Conroe, Texas. The film was produced by Creative Differences and financed by Investigation Discovery, who gave Herzog financing and creative freedom, and released in 2011. The film profiles Michael James Parry, who is on death row for the murder of Sandra Stotler, a 50-year-old nurse. He also confessed to two oth
13. Into the Abyss: A Tale of Death, A Tale of Life | Human Rights Watch Film ...
Werner Herzog's latest stunning documentary focuses on the bleak yet fascinating subject of capital punishment, following the moving story of Michael Perry and ...
Werner Herzog's latest stunning documentary focuses on the bleak yet fascinating subject of capital punishment, following the moving story of Michael Perry and Jason Burkett, two young men found guilty of three capital murders in Texas. Perry was executed eight days after filming commenced, while Burkett was sentenced to life in prison. Unravelling the crime and trial from separate viewpoints, including the victim's families and prison staff, Herzog's masterful exploration of life on Death Row shows the devastating effects of capital punishment on all involved.
14. Into The Abyss (2011) - Consumed By Film
15 sep 2013 · Into The Abyss hones in on one particular case and the subsequent fallout. Herzog interviews Michael Perry, a man convicted of murdering Sandra ...
3 mrt 2016 · The documentary centers on two young men in prison. Michael Perry is on Death Row in Huntsville, Texas, America's most productive assembly line for executions.
directed by WERNER HERZOG The documentary centers on two young men in prison. Michael Perry is on Death Row in Huntsville, Texas, America's most productive assembly line for executions...
16. MULTIMEDIA: Herzog's New Documentary--"Into the Abyss
9 nov 2011 · In a new documentary, titled Into the Abyss: A Tale of Life, A Tale of Death, renowned documentarian Werner Herzog (pictured) examines the ...
In a new documentary, titled Into the Abyss: A Tale of Life, A Tale of Death , renowned documentarian Werner...
17. Into the Abyss (2011) - flickfeast
21 jun 2012 · While Herzog's last documentary delved into prehistoric caves where ancient paintings lie hidden, his new one, Into the Abyss: A Tale of Death, ...
Varieties of murder While Herzog’s last documentary delved into prehistoric caves where ancient paintings lie hidden, his new one, Into the Abyss: A Tale of Death, a Tale of Life, penetrates the modern darkness of the prisons and crime-ridden towns of Texas, the death penalty capital of America. Since state execution was restored in the […]